All our cabin buildings are delivered on our own vehicles, the larger of these will be delivered on
our 26 tonne (42 foot) crane lorry. Being such a large vehicle we will need to know if there are
any obstructions, overhead cables or tight corners in the road. Please let us know if any of these
may be an issue so we can make other arrangements. Our cabin packs as pictured are usually
1.2m wide by the length of the longest part of your purchased cabin e.g. 5 metres, they are
delivered front of house so a space of this size will be required.
To ensure your cabin is fitted to the highest standard choose our fitting service, we will
take care of transporting the building to the desired location, install a damp proof course,
constructing the building, sealing the building, adjust doors and windows and leaving your
site free of all rubbish and packaging. After this we will run through with you how to adjust
windows and doors in the future, recommendations on painting and aftercare and can offer
advice on other landscaping and fencing needs.